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27 apr 2023
The first review of the Supreme Court practice for 2023: interesting positions
The Presidium of the Supreme Court approved the first "big" review of judicial practice in 2023. In it, the judges banned the postponement of the last day falling on the weekend to appeal an administrative fine, clarified the rules of punishment for extremist publications in social networks and defended the right to privatize a plot under a house that is not suitable for living. Also included in this document were the positions of the Economic Board, which allowed to renew the lease of land for the completion of real estate and obliged to take into account the impact of corporate conflict on the company's transactions.

08 feb 2023
Results-2022: decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court and reviews of practice
We summarize the work of the Supreme Court on the formation of uniform approaches in the courts in 2022. The Plenum of the Supreme Court adopted 38 resolutions, of which 11 are devoted to judicial practice. So, the Supreme Court explained the rules for repayment and removal of criminal records, analyzed crimes in the field of computer information and criminal liability for non-payment of alimony. The "civil" provisions relate to CTP and compensation for moral damage. In addition, in 2022, the Presidium of the Supreme Court approved two general reviews of practice (usually four per year) and eight thematic ones.
03 may 2023
Review of the practice of application by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of legislation on taxes and fees for April 2023
03 apr 2023
Review of the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on bankruptcy and Taxes and fees for March 2023
01 mar 2023
Review of the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on bankruptcy cases for February 2023
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